Ephesians 6:12
6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The above Verse opens Blinded eyes, blinded by the one who is a lier, a thief, who speaks lie like his mother tongue
(John 8.44 He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.)
Ephesians 6.12 is a very big subject and that gives you clarity as to how the Prince of
Darkness operates.
The book of Job chapter 1 & 2 exposes who operates from behind the scene (and the Lord knows about that and in fact Satan takes permission from God Almighty to carry out his mission)
Thus it is clear that our foe is not man or a woman but the one who is operating from out of sight (the power of darkness)
Therefore it is clear that "RSS,VHP,BAJARANTHAL,BJP & others" are not our foes
let us begin to pray for them for a change of attitude - Did not the Almighty teach us to Love others the way we love our own selves. Just because we are born again, doesn't mean that we should not care about others but keep accusing their actions - No No never, the Lord God Almighty has specifically placed us here to pray for such people so that the Power of Darkness hovering above, releases their power from upon them. And that will set them free.
Almighty God needs only one Elijah to send shock waves to prove the Power of the Almighty
we don't need an army to battle the power of the darkness - Just one Holy book called Bible is more than enough - HIS promise is that "My Grace is sufficient for you"
HIS words are a double edged fiery sword - purify your self before you take that sword in your hand or else even a crow will not fly for your command - no not even if you have a billion strong army on your side
Sure when the Lord Almighty Pours HIS spirit upon mankind "every tongue will confess HIM and every knee will bow down before them.
Be very careful, the vile of the devil or the tricks of the power of darkness is to divide and rule - do not support that by ignorance.
So now you see that we have to pray and love "RSS,VHP,BAJARANTHAL,BJP & others" cause they are all our brothers, let us fulfill the word of God "Love one another"
Jesus Bless You
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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- Goodsamaritan
- Married and father of two children. *** Was once lost but now found by the Power of the Holy Spirit. *** Writer,composer and singer of gospel songs as given by the Holy Spirit.
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