Sunday, Feb 8, 2009
Around Five yrs ago
A Testimony on board the Chennai Mangalore Express
Quality was the password then and to upkeep the same on shipments which were destined to various retail giants spread across the world, travelling to far off places to monitor production of traditional manufacturers became not merely optional but mandatory and as a professional quality man had to travel to many parts of India and Sri Lanka to certify the consignment as per American Quality norms.
On one such journey to Cannanore, I saw a big delegation of well dressed men probably returning back after a conference.
I boarded the train and sat diagonally opposite to one of the team members who was much secluded and was very much on his own.
And as usual I began to relax, immersed and lost into the depth of prayer, communing with the Lord Almighty, in spirit.
And as usual waited upon the Lord to give me a direction, as to what should be the topic for the day, for discussion with the man sitting out there on his own, perhaps thinking about his family.
Now that I almost had the answer, I stood up and walked up to the place where he was seated and with a great sense of gentlemanliness, I stooped down and asked him “may I sit here” and suddenly he came alive and said “please do” and went on with his business of reading some news paper.
So I had to wait, trying to figure out what was on the other side of the double walled tinted glass window, which was not so very easily visible at this time of dusk which was well passed 7.30 pm in the evening. Yet I held on to my peace and waited patiently till he was through with his news paper, well that gave enough time to build up the power of the Holy Spirit within me.
He looked towards me and expressed a sense of comfort in my presence.
I said hallo and the conversation took various directions before bringing the discussion to where it was destined for.
I went on to say “during our childhood days finding a doctor or a drug store used to be a rare commodity, wherein nowadays we find, at times more than two or three hospitals and countless clinics, innumerable drug shops and even the citizens are well exposed to drugs who go to the extent of self diagnosing and prescribing medicines for themselves and even if not the drug shops themselves prescribe what has to be administered for a particular ailment.”
And suddenly I asked him “do you know why there is such a big boon in this particular industry?”
He looked at me quizzically and I at once took charge of the situation and said “that’s because there are many varieties of sickness and diseases.
And then I asked him “do you know the reason for these varieties of diseases”? He was not sure what to say and returned back the same quizzical look.
Now I knew that the Power of the Holy Spirit was in control of the whole situation and all that I had to do was to open my mouth as wide as possible and HE would fill it up with the never ending double edged Sword of HIS Words which would set mankind free.
I continued to say that “it is because there is a lustful rush by mankind to indulge deliberately into multifaceted Sinful acts of many dimensions” he was still looking quizzical, I went on to say that “it is written in the Holy Bible that the “WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH” and therefore the root cause of all these diseases is SIN.
I could read pretty well, writ large on his face was – “what on earth does the wages of Sin have to do with disease”
I went on to say that “ God created us with a well thought of defense system to battle against any invading disease causing germ trying to capture our body and that defense system is none but the white blood corpuscles, where in an occupying germ is defended by these patriotic white blood corpuscles, but when they fail, they die and thus the germ conquers and devastates the immune system and captures the vital places of the body organ” thus causing disease” he was still looking dumb struck, so I went on to tell him that “this indeed is the death in our body” and it spreads rapidly to expose the death within.
“the reason for destruction of the immune system is because of the destruction of God Almighty’s laws.
I went on picking up reference from the HOLY BIBLE to better expose the roots of sin :
I started off with the deliberate sin beginning with disobedience by the first creation of this era “Adam and Eve” who believed in the serpents’ (Satan’s) lie and ate that fruit
God told Adam and eve to eat all the fruits except the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. HE said that, “on the day you eat that, you will surely die”
Gods warning was crystal clear. First God expected them to obey which was the remarkable mark of reverence to the Father God.
Secondly God expected man to fear the punishment for disobeying, which was death.
Where as Adam and Eve not alone believed Satan’s lie and ate that fruit but further went on to disgrace God Almighty by their disrespectful fearless response.
When God called Adam and eve they did not respond and this time disobedience out of fear.
Adam said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
And God said, Who told that you are naked? Did you eat the fruit of the tree, which I told not to eat?
Now that he is caught by the Almighty, like a serpent he wants to slither away from accepting the fault, therefore he tries to escape by blaming on others (his wife). And also goes further to accuse God by saying that “the women that thou gavest” (meaning which the mistake is not mine)
Adam replied, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me the (fruit of the ) tree, and I did eat.
The woman blames it on the serpent rather than regretting and feeling sorry for being disobedient
And the LORD God said to the woman, What is this that you hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
So man disobeyed God and did not fear Gods punishment but however he had to live in fear of everything else because he was sent out of the beautiful garden.
I went on to tell him that our organs are supposed to perform according to the will of the Almighty written in the Holy Bible.
Jesus taught His disciples many do’s and don’ts and one such is the following :
Gal. 5.19 – 26
The Acts of the sinful nature are obvious:
sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like.
And God went on to warn, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Meaning which that they will inherit death.)
But the fruit of the Spirit is : love , joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
God is Slow to anger and quick to forgive therefore HE taught mankind to forgive one another and to love one another.
When an individual begins to correct himself with the norms set by the Almighty, then the Almighty will make sure to protect man like the apple of HIS eyes.
Thereafter I gave my real life testimony which you can find at the following link
As soon as I completed my real life testimony, the gentleman whom I was talking to stood up revealing his 6 plus foot high structure, stretched out his hand and said “I am Doctor Nair, the dean of the Cannanore Medical College. He testified that he is a Hindu and that he did have so many Christian friends but none of them revealed such a lovely secret which would open the eyes of mankind. He was very much pleased to have met me that day.
He went on to declare that “from now on I will teach my students to high light the importance of teaching their patients to cleanse their heart first according to what I had told him, which by itself will heal diseases much more better and faster than the medicine.
Am sure that if every doctor pursues this, very soon many disease will be routed out completely rather than to immunize every now and then.
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