How I thirst to share this to anyone who need deliverance from what so ever bondage they might be.
I encourage you to receive the abundant blessing of the almighty through this Miracle witness, which I want to share with you at a time of fear, confusion and anxiety
I have done my best to reduce the length of this testimony, but please have patience to go through the entire length with an open mind. Just believe that our Lord can do wonders and He is the same yesterday, today and for the days to come.
In fact this is how I got salvation and the experience of being born again. If I don’t share this with you then I will not be a witness to the Almighty God who gave this opportunity, because of His mercy.
This happened when I was an atheist, I had no belief in God and I would also talk against God.
I was a bachelor, drunkard and a chain smoker, drinking a full bottle of strong liquor and smoking around 60 cigarettes every day.
1960 - Kabul Afghanistan
My dad was with US AID in Kabul Afghanistan and I was studying at the American International High School.
During the winter of 1962, my mother fell victim to the severe chill weather and had to rush back to Madras, India. She died on 23rd of December, just two days before Christmas.
I was then around six years old and had to leave Kabul once for all and settle down in Madras.
1982 September 13
I was working in the United Arab Emirates based at Dubai & Abu Dhabi (Al Ruwaise), when I received a telex message that my dad had a severe stroke and was admitted in the hospital.
He was in a comma, but yielded to my voice and spoke a few words and that night he breathed out his last.
Ever since then, I had a life of my own, based at Madras.
1988 December: First Major Miracle:
One day in the evening, while in the company of my friends, I started to have the day’s first drink.
When I lifted up my glass to have my first sip of the day, I felt someone telling me not to have the drink, for a moment I paused and dismissed the voice and deliberately took a sip and I felt the taste change in my mouth.
Except me, all others were comfortable with their drink and had no complains. Then I lit up a cigarette which too gave a strange taste and that forced me to stop smoking at least for that moment.
I realized that it was of no use fighting against the ONE who was governing me, though I had never acknowledged Him before, now I had to.
Therefore I told my friends that I am going to call it quits, when they heard what I said, all of them laughed mockingly at me saying that it was not possible for me to do so, since I was the maximum consumer of both drinks as well as smoking.
From that day onwards I used to go to visit that place but I never used to have any drinks, then the days passed by and they knew that I meant business.
Jesus always means business, after all on this earth He was born as a Jew, He will never fail when He comes near you, yes He will gain and win over you no matter who or what you are because He knows how to pull you towards Him – no one can ever escape His dragnet – that’s why they compare Him to a Good Shepherd with a Crook in His hand with which He can gently pull the straying lamb back into His fold.
Yes He succeeded in doing so with me and therefore I gave up both my habits of drinking and smoking and now it’s almost 18 years gone and I never had even the slightest urge to have one.
Soon after that I got married and simultaneously I lost all my friends because the bondage of my friendship was based on a common factor, that of drinking and smoking.
My wedding was a turning point, my wife introduced me into a prayer life which was very much alien to my earlier life pattern.
Believe me when once I came towards the almighty after giving up drinks, cigarettes etc – trouble started like never before.
My business ran into heavy losses, I lost all my savings, I lost my gold, I lost my land, I was not in a position to maintain my day to day living I was unable to pay my rent and in such a situation my first child was about to be born.
My wife was hospitalized almost during the 8th month of her pregnancy and was fighting against certain health conditions.
It so happened that during the 9th month the fetal moment stopped. The chief Doctor was out of station therefore the junior Doctor could not take any decision on the course of action.
All of a sudden the situation became alarming and it sounded that there was no more time left until you do something immediately to rescue both the mother and the child who were slated to be in danger.
The agony and the restlessness began and one after the other my well wishers came to me requesting me to join them for a prayer at a particular prayer group.
I was angry and I said why I should go to some man of prayer who will pray for me. I said that I will my self-call unto the Lord almighty and if HE is a true God then HE will hear my prayers and help me. After that every one left me and went off to sleep.
I can never forget that night in my lifetime. I was all alone sitting in that hospital corridor; it was past 1 a.m. in the early morning. I made sure that no one was around.
Then perhaps for the first time in my life I knelt down on the floor and began to pray and it was nothing but a chain of complaints – which was flowing from the store well from within, which had been stored right from the beginning of my life.
I recalled all my bitter past – right from the time I had lost my mother when I was just six years old and the kind of agony and troubles that which followed thereafter.
I had to migrate from place to place in such a manner that I had to study in seven schools to complete ten years of high school studies.
My struggle to higher educate myself without any income – my abrupt return from my overseas assignment only to find my father dying, who when saw me asked ‘where is your mum’. I comforted him by saying that she is on her way, he said ok and then breathed out His last.
I went on praying about me having given up the rotten habits of drinking and smoking, yielding to HIS call.
And after all this rehabilitation, He gave me a nice family, but made me to lose my business which was having a turnover of nearly 30 lakh Indian Rupees during 83-84 which is around 75000 USD as per the current rate as on 17.09.07.
I also lost all my gold, my savings my land and now all of a sudden everything seemed like slipping away from me.
I asked the almighty – “Why then did you rehabilitate and turn me towards you. And finally now you want to bury all my hopes” - like wise my prayer went on till almost past two a.m.
After pouring out my heart to the almighty through my prayer of tears, I slowly lied down on the hospital bench in the same corridor. The moment I lied down.
I felt something poking from the inside of my pocket and when I ventured, I found out that it was a biblical tract, inside which I had kept the hospital bills. Something told me to open and read that very page in which I had kept the bills.
There I found a small story based on Mathew chapter 8 verses 23 - 26, If you visualize that event, through your eyes of faith, you could see Jesus boarding the boat and commanding his disciples " Let us go on to the other side of the sea" and then has a peaceful sleep.
Suddenly a tempest (storm) builds up and the boat begins to toss violently and as well get filled up with the sea water and almost everyone on board got panicked; only one of them was peacefully sleeping who was none other than their master.
Finally they lost their patience and woke Him up and told Him – Master there’s a heavy tempest and the water is gushing into the boat, we are sinking, Master wake up and do something.
The Master then woke up and said ‘why are you fearful? O you of little faith’ Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm.” The tempest simply obeyed Him without any fuss. He further went on telling “Did I not tell you ‘We will go to the other side of the sea ‘then why do you look at the storm and the roaring sea ‘.
That very moment I believed with all my heart that HE is with me and that I don’t have to fear anything that might appear threateningly in my path – yes I don’t have to fear even if I have to walk through the valley of death because HE walks before me.
Later around 3 a.m. the duty doctor who was on rounds found that the situation was worsening, hearing this my sister in law woke me up and again asked me to join for a prayer, however I said that Jesus had already answered me and therefore I do not want to doubt HIM anymore nor do I want to give room for unfaithfulness, then I went to sleep again.
The next day morning I gave a thanks-giving advertisement in the leading English daily of India – THE HINDU – thanking Jesus for all the mercy and kindness HE had shown to me.
People thought that I had gone crazy:
Those around me thought that I had gone crazy, because in a grave situation like that, where there was no sign of even a miracle, I had given a thanks giving advertisement for the miracles which the Lord has done.
In the meantime the progress chart was removed from the bedside of my wife, so as to reduce the tension.
After another seven days the chief doctor came back from her vacation and then performed an EMERGENCY OPERATION – and what happened was the beginning of GODS BLESSING FOR THE FAITH I had DEMONSTRATED - yes my child was born alive and my wife was completely out of danger.
However the doctors kept the child inside an oxygen tent saying that “she was yet not out of danger” – even after one month in the same tent, the doctors refused to take her out, stating that the child will collapse, if removed from the oxygen tent.
I got furious and fought against the medical officer, who ultimately came to terms under one condition that I had to give in writing that I very well know about the health condition of the child and that against medical advice I was taking the child.
When once I met the conditions, which the doctors had laid down, they handed over my daughter to me.
However the doctor gave me a long report stating that my child has some severe Heart condition and therefore asked me to take her to one of the leading heart specialist Dr.Cherian.
For two days I paid no attention to the doctor’s advice and this infuriated my mother in law who asked me why I was not taking the child to the heart specialist, I again told her that by faith I am sure that my child is ok.
But she kept on insisting that I must follow the Doctor’s advice.
Finally I took my child to the doctor who went through the report and ultimately laid my child on the observation table and vacuum plugged various points of the child which had to be monitored.
We were asked to be present there and after about an hour’s observation the doctor turned towards me and asked “which doctor gave this report” and went on to say that the child’s heart is perfectly ok and that fluid could have entered her lungs while still in the mother’s womb.
He referred us to a child specialist to treat for that condition which ultimately vanished.
Today (sep 17, 2007) my daughter is hail and healthy and is pursuing her collegiate education in one of the leading city college.
Miracle after miracle!!! Praise Jesus.
The almighty blessed me again with a Son.
One day when he was around 2 months old, I went out for an evangelical meeting around 4 pm and came back home around 9 pm.
I asked my wife, if he was troublesome? And prompt came, the answer that he has been sleeping from the time I had left.
This answer made me uncomfortable, as no child will sleep that long, which was almost 3 hrs from the time I left home, therefore I went near to the cradle and took a close look and what I saw shook me, my son’s face had become blue at once I pushed the sweaters up and found that the entire body has become blue.
I could not understand what it was but knew that the condition “blue” was something very alarming.
We were new to that area and therefore had no idea where to go for immediate help.
So I rushed downstairs, to meet my landlord, who was staying in the ground floor and asked them for his guidance.
They at once took us to the doctor who was living diagonally opposite to our house, where he doesn’t practice.
The doctor was having his dinner, however when he heard about the situation, he abruptly got up from the dinner table and came to our house and examined my son.
Without wasting any more time the doctor asked us to rush my son to Child trust hospital and he as well gave a letter to get the child admitted there.
What a loving and kind hearted Hindu doctor was he that without making any excuse about having his dinner, he at once came to my rescue?
Until that day, I did not know that he practiced medicine, because I did not know that he was a doctor. Whether he practiced medicine or not, that day he practically practiced, to “Love one another”
Well, however on reaching the hospital, I had a rude shock.
There were around 4 doctors who examined my son and by seeing his hopeless condition, they politely asked us to take my son back home and bring him the next day (which they thought would never come in his life).
All the doctors coolly took a walk inside, leaving me behind gaping at them.
I got the message and so did those who came with me, therefore all of them decided to take the child to some other nearby hospital.
However, I firmly stood ground, with my son, on my arms, who went limp.
I looked unto the Almighty and said “Lord you have sent me here, therefore I will not leave this place nor will I go and request those doctors to help my son, but YOU talk to them and direct them to come and admit my child”
A little later one of the lady doctor came out of the cabin and walked towards me and said, “I will take responsibility and admit your child” Praise the Lord, how wonderful our Lord is.
After 12 long prayerful days my son came back to normalcy, who was kept under hear generating lamps.
Soon after my son’s recovery, I developed some kind of a skin ailment, which resembled like multitude of pimples, initially appearing on my face and then rapidly spread all over my body.
From my childhood, I used to fall sick pretty often and after some medication I used to overcome the situation.
Therefore I just took the matter very casually and went to one doctor who performed every possible test and ultimately wanted to see my family members also.
Baffled, I left him and ran to another doctor, who too went through various tests and during one such test, the doctor who was monitoring the tests asked me if I was travelling overseas, because this particular certification was mandatory at that time for overseas travel.
John 8:44 (NIV) …… He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 10:10 (NIV) the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
With all these reports on hand, I went to the Chief of Dermatology at Stanley Medical College, (Madras) Chennai.
He did not have to go for any tests, one look and he termed the disease as incurable and that it would spread all over the body, however, he consoled me by prescribing 3 capsules a day, each costing about rupees seventy five (USD$1.5 approx) so as to reduce the rapidity of spreading.
Thus he offered me a certified “citizen ship” for the disease and wanted me to accept it.
Going by his experience and the world offered scientific intelligence, whatever he said was true.
He also advised morning sun bath, after applying some specially made ointment.
By then the rashes had almost already spread all over my body in an alarming state, leaving behind visible signs, which would make anyone think twice to commune with me.
Satan was suggesting me to run away to some far off place where no one can recognize me.
I was beginning to feel delicate to touch my children or even to touch anything at home, with the fear that I might infect others.
I walked out of the clinic and almost broke down, with tears running down my eyes;
I looked unto the Lord without opening my mouth. Fully choked, I had no words to pray. And was driving back home with a very heavy heart.
But the Almighty had other ways to communicate, console and reassure me.
Suddenly I ran into a traffic jam at a cross road and I had to stop for a moment and at that very moment I saw an auto rickshaw (a three wheel buggy in this part of the world) approaching from the left side intersection almost directly driving towards me and my eyes caught the biblical verse written just above the wind shield in Tamil.
I continued to drive a little further in silence. Then I saw yet another auto rickshaw on which was written “JESUS LOVES YOU”.
Now I could not fight back my tears nor could I keep quiet without expressing my feeling, so I began to cry helplessly acknowledging the presence of the Almighty through those biblical verses.
I said “Yes Lord, Thou surround me, almost comforting me with YOUR nail pierced hands, but why am I in this miserable condition”.
I continued to say “Lord, I have been bearing witness for all the Miracle and mercies, which THOU have shown me.
Now who will believe me if ever I go and tell them about the miracles which you have done in my life?
Will they not laugh at me to see myself in this disgusting state trying to talk about miracles???”
This time it was His turn and HE answered me very sharply in Tamil
I was still riding on the bike and was weeping like a little child and answered back “YES LORD, I AM ASHAMED FOR HAVING SO LITTLE A FAITH, that till now I had been running from one doctor to another without coming to YOU in spite of the numerous Miracles, which YOU had done for me”
I felt so ashamed for believing SATAN’S LIE who made use of the intellectual man to paint a picture of “Gone Case” that this disease is incurable.
I felt ashamed that I did not hold on to the wisdom of the Lord
After reaching home, I filled a bucket of water in the bathroom and prayed over it saying,
Each time I poured the water on my head, I kept repeating the same thing over and over again and was praising Jesus for washing me with His blood with so much of affection, that He did not curse me for my sins, He never blamed me that He had to undergo this gruesome path of Calvary because of my Sins.
I continued doing this for about 15 to 20 days and everything vanished without any trace.
Its more than 10 yrs now, neither did I get that decease nor did I get any other sickness.
I praise Him so much for giving me that stubborn faith to cling on to Him, so that He could execute His will, through multitudes of His Miracle.
Yes we need GUTS and courage to believe Jesus whole heartedly at a time when everything seems to be impossible and only at this critical point, He will fulfill His word “I will not leave thee nor forsake thee”
Now it is your turn to exercise that very same faith, just believe that Jesus has delivered you THIS VERY MOMENT
His message is very clear, there is no hope to those who have no faith, but for those who believe that HE is with you and nothing can even touch you, and then He performs miracle.
An unshakable faith is what HE demands.
Do not look at the current circumstances – after all HE is the one who gives the breath of life and HE has been doing that ever since HE created Adam and Eve, yes HE breathed HIS breath of life into Adams nostrils, HE is still doing that for you and me.
Therefore fear not the game played by the power of darkness which sends all kinds of diseases.
Yes this very moment He is rebuking the Evil spirit which is tormenting you with diseases, LISTEN TO HIS VOICE, HE says that ‘I am the LORD that Healeth thee’ “Fear Not for I am with You”.
He will put the intellectuals to shame, when you hold HIM high with your faith. Yes the doctors will search for a sign and they will not find it.
Yes He will not keep quiet when someone touches the apple of HIS eyes and YOU ARE THE APPLE OF HIS EYES.
Remember HE has revealed HIMSELF to Moses as a FIERY FIRE;
HE has answered Elijah with FIRE, which means that every word that proceedeth from HIS mouth is a twin edged fiery FIRE of a Sword.
Non can escape after touching the apple of HIS eyes, yes this moment the one which touched you is consumed by the FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, OUR FATHER in Heaven cannot bear HIS children suffering.
Therefore HE has delivered you now, so that you will Glorify HIS name wherever you go for the rest of your life.
The TONGUES OF FIRE of the Holy Lord will proceed hereafter from within you.
In the journey of your life HE will accompany you as a CLOUD during the day and as a PILLAR of fire during the night – yes you don’t have to worry at all – Do not look at the storm when you walk on the sea, because if you look at the storm you will sink but if you look only at your Master and walk confidently you will walk through the valley of death without fear and you will reach the other side at ease – yes you will not stumble and fall but you will be walking TALL.
Just thank the Lord for healing you this very moment and have no bitterness or anger concealed in your heart, pray for those who have hurt you.
The Lord is with you, AMEN.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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About Me

- Goodsamaritan
- Married and father of two children. *** Was once lost but now found by the Power of the Holy Spirit. *** Writer,composer and singer of gospel songs as given by the Holy Spirit.
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